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-Stephen R. Covey

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fitness versus Fatness-

A study recently published in the January 2010 issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise®, the official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, examined the difference between weight loss due to caloric restriction only versus caloric restriction and exercise.

The study was divided into 3 groups-
1) Control (weight maintenance diet)
2) Caloric restriction (25% reduction in energy intake)
3) Caloric restriction plus aerobic exercise (12.5% reduction in calories, 12.5% increase in exercise energy expenditure)

The study lasted 6 months.

Changes in fat mass, visceral fat (belly fat), VO2peak (aerobic capacity), muscular strength, blood lipids, blood pressure, and insulin sensitivity secretion were compared amongst the groups.

Both interventin groups experienced similar reductions in total body mass, fat mass, and visceral fat mass.


The calorie-restricted-plus-exercise group experienced greater improvements in insulin sensitivity, LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol), and diastolic blood pressure than the caloric restriction by diet alone group.

I am guessing that this informaton isn't new to most of you. But from conversations with others it is clear to me that many of us haven't quite grasped the importance of physical activity/exercise.

Exercise is a key component of weight loss. From this study we can also take away that exercise is necessary for even those who don't need to lose weight. Obviously it does something good to the body.

Also, with a little exercise you don't have to be so extreme in your calorie restrictions. Notice that the exercise group only had to cut back on their food comsumption by 12.5% versus 25%. I know I would much rather put in my gym time in order to enjoy a few more calories on my plate.

Stop delaying and get moving!


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