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“The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”
-Stephen R. Covey

Friday, June 25, 2010

Interval Training

Lately I have been trying to get my workout in before my husband leaves for work. But on the days when he has to leave by 6:45am, my poor sleep deprived pregnant body can't/refuses to get up by 5:30am. Instead I will do some cardio and strength intervals at home in my front room while the little one is still asleep. Although I did do one the other day when she was awake and she found it very entertaining. She especially loved the jump rope which made things a little tricky for me. She was actually a great personal trainer because she never wanted me to stop jump roping.

Here is an interval you can do with minimal equipment. I really am a fan of this kind of workout because you can get both the cardio and strength going at the same time.

Knee Slaps Abdominal Exercise

I seem to get the most questions about what ab exercises are best. I don't claim to have the secret but I know there is much more beyond the basic crunch. Give these a try and see what you think...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

30 Day Fitness Challenge--Week 4

Week 4

anyone still with me?..

If not it is never too late to start over.

Your last and final week will look like your week 2 plan, except you will keep the cardio minutes at 60 min per session.

Click here for the week 2 plan-

I realize I didn't do a weekend workout for week 2 so here it is-

If possible do this outside. Create a walking/running course that is 3 miles long. If outside isn't a possibility you can do this on a treadmill. You are going to walk/run this course and time yourself from start to finish. Before you start do a 5 minute warm-up and be sure to cool-down adn stretch after you finish.

If 3 miles isn't a challenge for you then make it a 5 mile course.

Challenge yourself to do this course again in 6 weeks with the goal to do it in a faster time (Don't let this me the end of your own personal fitness challenge).

And don't forget to keep up with the nutrition challenges...
1. Fruits and Veggies- Get 9 servings in one day (click here for helpful tips)

2. Au Natural- Same as last week...no refined carbs or artificial sweeteners for 1 day (hopefully by now you are starting to do this more than one day a week)

3. Healthy Start- For 2 mornings this week be sure to get a breakfast that includes both whole grains and healthy protein. (if you haven't tried the whole grain waffle recipe I posted earlier you should definitely give it a try...delicious. Especially topped with all the fresh berries that are inseason right now).