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“The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”
-Stephen R. Covey

Thursday, February 4, 2010

When Life Throws a Curveball

Need a little reminder to keep you on track...

When you realize that what you're doing is really a lifestyle change and not a "program" or diet, it will empower you like never before. Making this transition in your thinking means there is nothing to quit. You can't quit a lifestyle like you quit a diet. Injuries, illness, job issues, family commitments all come and go and constantly change. And a program or diet is easy to lose track of when a big life "trauma" comes along. But if you're focused simply making healthy choices most of the time none of these obstacles will hold you back. Sure, you'll have to adjust your approach and try new things. You'll experience setbacks and have to regroup. But that's life. And it's always within your grasp to live it healthfully if you choose.

--Michael Scholtz, MA, Biggest Loser Club fitness expert

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