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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

More Band Exercises-

Try this combo....
Do 20 reps of the Squat and Row and follow immediately with the oblique twist. Do 15 twists on each side. Finish with 15-20 reps of the Chest Fly.

Squat and Row-
sorry for the cheeseball guy in the video:)

Resistance Band Torso Twists - Obliques Abs-
Both videos are the same exercise. One is done with a single band and the other the band is doubled up. As long as the resistance is challenging, and you can keep your form, it doesn't really matter which way you do it. If you use a bent arm where you hold the handles close to your body you will work more of your biceps while working your obliques. The straight arm will work more of your shoulders.

Chest Fly-

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