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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What is your Take?-

It is hard to know when government should intervene and when people need to own up to their own choices. But obesity is a huge problem and we all end up paying big health care bucks for it so maybe it is time for government to step in and do something about it.

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1 comment:

Jodi Reeve said...

I think soda and sugar is an addiction. As such, many people will not care if they have to pay a high tax. Things like ciggarettes and alchol have higher tax, but peope are still addicted.

I am all about a healthier amircan, but perhaps more focus needs to be on the positive, like commericals that help people make better choices. Or more health insuance premiums could be reduced for those who exercise regularly or make other positive health chnges in their lives. I think if people were effected positively maybe there would be more of a chage.

I don't know any statistics, but haven't fast food places done there part in making better options? I wonder how many people who frequent these type of locations take the healther options.

It is a complicated situation, but I am in favor of lss government in our lives all around.