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Monday, February 15, 2010

Weekly Challenge #2

I have been on this kick of trying to reduce my sugar intake. Sugar is my dirty little secret. It is easy for me to pass on the chips and dip but when it comes to chocolate and cookies I can't walk away. But I want to change my habits because I have seen how they affect my daughter. Everytime I reach for a treat she of course wants one. Time to reach for the veggies instead!

This week I ask you to all join me in the challenge to reduce your sugar intake. You don't have to worry about the natural fruit in sugar, just the added stuff. I have been paying a lot of attention to labels and sugar content this last week. It is amazing how much sugar is added to everything. I think you too will be suprised.

The plan-

Track all sugar intake for 3 days. Figure out how much you usually take in.

For the next 3 days reduce your intake by 30%. Ultimately try to keep your intake under the 32g/day recommendation.

Even if you are not a sugar finatic still track how much you take in on a daily basis. Like I said, it is added to almost everything. You may be shocked at how much you are really taking in.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

This is a great idea! Is there a way to estimate sugar content in foods with out labels (like a list or something)... foods that someone else makes like bread, cookies, etc.?