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Monday, May 17, 2010

Enjoying Seasonal Fruit

Dr. Oz's Ultimate Summer Slim-Down

Get the help you need to tighten your waistline and purse strings this summer with Dr. Oz’s Ultimate Summer Slim-Down. By Memorial Day, 80% of Americans have abandoned their New Year’s resolutions to lose weight and get healthier. However, it’s not too late to turn it all around.
Dr. Oz’s Ultimate Summer Slim Down begins with those 3 magic letters of summer: S.P.F. Right now, we’re not talking sun protection factor – we are talking about an easy way to remember 3 healthy eating secrets, the first of which is eating in Season. Summer is a season of produce aplenty, and here are 4 foods that are inexpensive, fresh, low in calories and packed with nutrients:

(Click on Bolded Words for fun recipes that incorporate lots of produce)

Apricots These juicy fruits can be eaten on the go, added to steel cut oats in the morning or salads at lunch. They contain only 20 calories each and provide 25% of your daily vitamin C needs.

Okra In most areas, okra is in season from May through October. One cup contains about 30 calories and is a rich source of vitamin B6, folic acid, and vitamins A and C.

Cucumbers Synonymous with summer, 1 cucumber contains only 15 calories and contains silica, which improves the health of your skin. Dip cucumber in a probiotic yogurt for a digestive health boost or serve in a fresh cucumber and tomato salad. After all, tomatoes are a summer favorite rich in vitamins C, A and K. Click here for another recipe.

Just in case I am not the only one who didn't know what farina was you can click here.

Peaches A good sources of carotenes, potassium and flavonoids, peaches contain only 70 calories and provide 2.6 grams of fiber. Flavonoids help strengthen blood vessels, prevent cells from oxygen damage and are a powerful anti-inflammatory.

Check back for the rest of the article tomorrow or check out Dr. Oz's Summer Slim-Down at www.doctoroz.com

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