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-Stephen R. Covey

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Run/Walk: The 20-Minute Treadmill Hill Workout

Click here for Day 3 info.

If you are wanting a little inspiration for your cardio workout today check out this workout-

Run/Walk: The 20-Minute Treadmill Hill Workout

I would say it is a beginner-intermediate workout. It starts out with a 5 minute warm-up and finishes off with a 3 minute cool-down. You could repeat the workout or finish with some steady walking or jogging.

Of course if you want something more intense just bump up the speed of the intervals or increase the time.

Keep up the good work!

1 comment:

Carr Family said...

Ok, this may be a really lame question, but what are some things that are ok to eat on the day we are not eating refined carbs. I guess I don't totally know what things have refined carbs in them. Is eating 100% whole wheat things ok? I just don't want to starve when I do this challenge, so any ideas on what I can eat would be great. :) Thanks for keeping us motivated and challenging us!!!!