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Monday, January 25, 2010

CollageVideo.com- Workout DVDs

For those of you who do not belong to a gym, and like to exercise at home, or even for those days when getting to the gym is impossible, there are lots of exercise dvds you can do at home. You can check out Collagevideo.com and watch a quick clip of hundreds of dvds before you buy them.
I don't recommend buying them from this site because you can usually find them cheaper somewhere else. Try Wal-mart or Amazon.

Here are some that I recommend taking a look at-

Personal Training with Jackie: Power Circuit Training

Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble Zones

10 Min. Solution: Quick Sculpt Pilates with Ball kit

If you like dancing-
Dance with Julianne - Cardio Ballroom

If you are a Stepper-
Cathe Friedrich's Athletic Step
Cathe Friedrich's Cardio Hiit

1 comment:

Jodi Reeve said...

I like t buy mine from half.com

You can buy used or new on this site.

I love the Juliann Michael DVDs as well as the other Biggest Loser ones. I work out at the gy, but like to add too those with some at home for days when kids are sick or whatever.