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-Stephen R. Covey

Friday, January 29, 2010

Daily Challenge #4---Yoga

If you have never given yoga a try, now is the time to test it out. For those of you who think you are tough I have a challenge for you too:).

The first clip is the basic sun salutation that you will do in almost any yoga class. For you yoga newbies give this a try. After going through it a few times with the video clip try it on your own. Do 10 of these in a row. It is a perfect way to work on flexibility and upper body strength.

The second clip is an advanced yoga series with some very challenging poses. This one only goes through one side of your body so make sure to repeat it on the opposite side.

Sun Salutations -

Advanced Yoga Series-

1 comment:

Shana Tucker said...

Hey Meg,

Alan and I were looking through your blog and absolutely love it!!! Honestly, we are so excited about it. We read all of your posts. We just joined a gym and made a New Year's resolution to change our lifestyles to be more healthy. We'll have to tell you some of our goals and see what you think and if you have more good tips. The blog looks great and is so user friendly, especially for a health dummy with no real experience like me. :) Love you so much and can't wait to keep following your amazing passion for health and life.
